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About Us

We are a team of passionate education enthusiasts who want

to shift the way education is perceived in India. We believe that

skills are the basis of 21st Century education and those who

use their innate abilities to create something meaningful for

the world are going to be the next unicorns. Our objective is to help children explore their creative potential to become the next generation of “Creative Leaders”:

Creators, Innovators, Entrepreneurs and Leaders. 

Our Philosophy 

Our philosophy is deeply inspired by John Dewey’s experiential education and Jiddu Krishnamurthy’s notion of a free mind. For children to be more creative and innovative, it is important to help them think in all possible directions. Scaffolding their thought process to think creatively and critically through mentoring matters when they work on creative projects.

At MakeShift, we design well-rounded experiences for children to understand new topics, help them explore, experience and apply them in real life through creative projects with our qualified and experienced facilitators and mentors. 


Our Vision

Our vision is to make India a world leader in Creativity and Innovation

by cultivating a right mindset driven by reflection, mindfulness, creativity,

and responsibility in children, the next generation by democratising the

spirit of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship

Our Mission

Catch them young! 


We are on the mission of creating next-gen Creators, Innovators and Entrepreneurs by educating children and educators to create, innovate and lead with Creativity,  Design Thinking, Innovation and Entrepreneurship mindset and 21st-century skills. 


Our Team

Our team is full of experienced and energetic education professionals who are constantly learning and thriving in their areas of work!

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Sharwari Kulkarni

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Ruchira Sawant

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Pradnya Patkar

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Curriculum Manager


Aditi Atre

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Program Manager


Rohit Pendharkar

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Program Manager


Sanchita Sobti

Curriculum Developer


Sarthak Narnor

Curriculum Developer

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